About School of Fashion Technology
KIIT School of Fashion Technology (KSFT) was established in 2009 to produce professionals in Fashion Design and Textile Design to cater to the needs of the industry. With an expected target to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 13% over a ten year period, the future of the textile and garment industry looks promising. In this background, KSFT is striving to create skilled manpower, development of entrepreneurship and to encourage and enhance the creativity, skill, knowledge and research for a better industrial environment at the regional and national level. To achieve these objectives, the curriculum is designed with extensive and wide variety of practical & theory classes. In 2017, the department shifted to its new state-of-the-art campus, named Koushik, popularly known as Campus-18. Overlooking the beautiful Rose Garden, the campus is set amidst greenery. The School of Fashion Technology, KIIT Deemed to be University has been recognized as an Educational Member of an International Body of Professional Design i.e. ICoD (International Council of Design), Montreal, Canada for the year 2022 and also holds a coveted position among the top fashion design schools in the country as per the “Higher Education Digest” ‘Top 10 Most Promising Fashion Institutes in India 2021
To create an advanced center of professional learning in the field of Fashion & Textile emphasizing on sustainable and eco-friendly Fashion compatible to changing environment in apparel and textile industry.
To bring the Creative Idea into Product development through the Design process and brainstorming together for the benefit of Society & transform Creativity Ideas with tools & techniques for Design Creation and effective communication through Creativity. And exhibit Art & Creativity in Apparel & Textile Design to the world and benefit for its end users.
To adhere to morality while expressing ideas in the Design Creativity & understand the issues with environmental context and sustainable development and use these in design & development for the protection and preservation of our environment
To learn and work effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary approach for creativity in Design settings.
To Analyze, appreciate and learn all aspects of the Design thinking process & creative development. Its aims to transfer the ideas and concepts from all nature & evolution processes to design development in different stages of the development process. Effective use of Design Creativity knowledge as mass benefits with time management and cost-cutting and managing finance in achieving creative excellence.
The Fashion Design programme at KIIT School of Fashion Technology, KIIT University, provides students with a comprehensive vision where students gain practical hands-on experience in their course enabling them to confidently enter career paths in fashion design, pattern making, garment manufacturing, craft studies, fashion merchandising and so on.
This is overseen by a team of professional faculty who instruct, inspire and mentor students utilizing their technical and design expertise while also encouraging the development of individual style. This has ensured that SFT holds a coveted position among the top fashion design schools in the country as per the “Higher Education Digest” ‘Top 10 Most Promising Fashion Institutes in India 2021

Prof Himansu Sekhar Khatua
Director General

Mr. Bauri Raula

Ms. Gipsita Nayak
Deputy Director
FICs for 2022-23
Faculty-in-Charge (FIC) serves as the primary channel of contact between the different stakeholders, including students, parents, industry professionals, and school leadership. FICs are chosen by the faculty council and approved by the school leadership every year.
Prof. Bauri Raula : Academic Inspection, Admission, Training, Internship & Placement, Visiting & Adjunct Faculty, IQAC, International Relations, NSS, Purchase
Ms. Biswaranjita Mohapatra : Discipline, Consultancy, Project & Research, Examination, Time Table,
Mr. Parthasarathi Bal :Students Affairs & Extra-Curricular Activities, Students’ Exposure, Alumni, Website Development, social media
Ms. Monalisa Das : Students Counselling, SAP & Library
Ms. Vaishali Sethi : Events (Seminar, Workshop & Conference), Girl’s Hostel
Mr. Padma Charan Majhi : Boy’s Hostel